Tuesday, July 18, 2017

    Daughters of an Emotionally Absent Mothers: 50 Ways to Take Care of Yourself

    flickr creative commons (modified)
As the daughter of an emotionally absent mother, the biggest challenge I face each day is taking good care of myself. Growing up without a mom to love and nurture me, I developed a self-loathing that led to self-destructive behaviors, namely overeating and not exercising. I didn't value myself and didn't put time and energy into my appearance and mental health. This neglect of self resulted in obesity, depression, and social anxiety.

In a counseling session years ago, my therapist declared simply: “You've never felt special.” At that moment, I knew truer words had never been spoken. I now think of those words each day and dedicate myself to helping that wounded little girl inside of me feel better. She is special and she deserves to feel that way. She is worthy.

So instead of numbing myself with food, I made a list of 50 ways I can take care of myself – activities that bring me peace and joy. I found a way to “feed” myself without feeding myself. I encourage everyone to create such a list, making sure it contains a minimum of 50 ideas. We all deserve ways of bringing joy and tranquility into our lives but especially if you're a daughter of an emotionally absent mother.

  1. walk on the treadmill while listening to Motown hits
  2.  add a slice of lemon to an ice-cold glass of water and drink it slowly
  3. work in the yard, pulling weeds and planting bulbs
  4. take my dog for a walk
  5. go to a park, find a tree, and read a book
  6. write in my journal every day, keeping focused on positive thoughts and goals
  7. buy a bouquet of flowers at the store to make the house look and smell beautiful
  8. try a nice recipe for dinner – something healthy and delicious
  9. take a long bubble bath with no distractions
  10. put together a jigsaw puzzle
  11. listen to a favorite podcast while cleaning the house
  12. look at a scrapbook or photo album and enjoy the memories
  13. make cookies for the people at our local homeless shelter
  14. text my husband a loving message
  15. hug my sons
  16. find meaningful quotes on Pinterest and copy them on index cards to put on my bulletin board
  17. color in an adult coloring book
  18. go to a playground and watch kids play
  19. push negative thoughts from my head
  20. forgive people who've hurt me
  21. do weight resistance training
  22. wear something that makes me feed good about myself
  23. go bowling with my family
  24. play Scrabble with my husband
  25. watch the birds at the feeder
  26. put on music and dance
  27. play fetch with my dog
  28. smile at people when I'm out and about
  29. think affirming thoughts to myself: You're getting a lot accomplished today... You're doing a super job at work...You're a good mom.
  30. Play a board game with my family
  31. Say “no” when I'm feeling overwhelmed
  32. Make a cup of green tea and sip it slowly
  33. Stay off social media and cultivate real relationships
  34. Listen to the oldies station on the radio
  35. Go rollerskating
  36. Read poetry
  37. Meditate
  38. Write down 3 things that make me feel grateful
  39. Go for a walk in nature
  40. Avoid negative people
  41. Take a bike ride
  42. Go to the farmer's market for fruits and vegetables
  43. Use a different mantra each day to focus on improving my life: Use a strong voice to show you're powerful...Food won't make you feel loved...It's better to feel sad than feel nothing at all.
  44. Give my husband a massage and have him give me one
  45. Eat a piece of fruit and savor every bite
  46. Spend at least 20 minutes at the dinner table eating and talking each night
  47. Take an evening walk with my husband
  48. Say “I love you” to my kids
  49. Phone someone to see how they're doing
  50. Paint with watercolors or oils

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